
Spongey Beach Bottom?

Yes, this is Singapore, they are very serious about the Peacocks

The sound of waves, the tranquility of floating in the water, the coral, the turquoise blue, the palm trees, the fish, the smile on people's faces all are reasons why I love the beach.

Singapore, as some of you know has a reputation for cleanliness and orderliness. I find it suffocating much of the time. Yesterday I went to Sentosa, Singapores' resort island/beach, with dolphins, nature hikes, and family oriented fun. For some reason the first thought I had upon arrival on the island was, "hmm, this is like Jurassic Park" albeit it might have been due to the sign that read, "Caution, lizard crossing" with a picture of a large lizard on top. But there, as at most places in Singapore a feeling of calm and safety from the crazy outside world. I'm not particularly comforted by it, but I understand the happy families that find it as necessary.

So, the beach, I can say this, when they think to make a perfect beach they've put in plenty of thought. And yes, I said "MAKE" a beach. Dear readers, the beaches of Sentosa, and this was Tanjong Beach in particular requires the import of sand, rocks, and some palm trees. How do I know? Imagine this: as you walk onto the beach the and is a bit coarse - a bit like the sand in playground lots. You look out in the water and see an island with rocks in a perfect circle. As you enter the water (which is quite nice) you suddenly notice a steady but sure progression of deeper water in precise increments --- i don't mean a gentle sloping more like significant drops within a foot of each other. Fine fine, it could be a fluke. Now, as you wade out even deeper and float to touch the bottom what was very very coarse sand - as in what looks like ground up garden rocks, has become concrete and what feels like that odd spongy turf at children's playgrounds. Now, a couple of hours later, you venture back into the water and what was coarse sand before has now become all spongy material - spongy slippery material - algae covered sponginess. When you look at the coastline from the water, the curve is too perfect and the grade of the sand as it approaches the water is sloped exactly the same.

Given all that, I have to say I had fun, the water was nice, there were lounge chairs, drinks, a jacuzzi and music on the beach, all of which I can't complain about. There was kayaks if you wanted to sea Kayak in the small cove (i kind of thought this was ridiculous given the small roped in size of the cove) as well as volleyball courts. Completely well thought out. Other beaches were designed for families or activity enthusiasts. Sentosa I can only say this, it is Uniquely Singapore.


At 4:28 AM, Blogger owt said...

an utter travesty. i'm surprised they didn't throw in a wave-maker somewhere. good to see the peacocks found an outlet for their frustration in singapore, even if it's disguised as "courting behaviour."



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