
Thanksgiving in Another Land

Thanksgiving, the all American holiday with its gargantuan feast and football. Seeing as I'll be missing the entire holiday season in the states and will only be arriving back in New York for the cold without the festivities I felt a bit of an urge to take the day off and "celebrate." It turned out to be pretty nice even as monsoon season here means that the afternoon is filled with rain, thunder, and lightning. Following a nice jaunt in the Singaporean Botanical Gardens famous for its Orchid Garden, I had a nice traditional Thanksgiving dinner at the Fullerton Hotel. (Keep in mind, I never do traditional, except maybe once a long long time ago) But it was quite nice, even though I had to call around Singapore trying to find the few places that had Turkey. :-)

A few photos:

Sorry, I realized I don't have actual photos of the meal. So, as the time in Singapore draws to a close (I have about 2 weeks left) I thought I'd reflect a little on the whole experience. The last few weeks I've felt less "hate" towards the island, it is what it is. It has its gardens, which are beautiful, its entertainment at night, and its great location. As a dear friend put it when asked about Singapore's good points the answer speaks volumes: "Well, what did you do for Fall break? I was in Cambodia." You can escape, jump on an airplane and fly to Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand, the Philippines for about 90 dollars roundtrip, 90 dollars in the US gets you from New York to DC, maybe. (I mean on a plane and not the Chinatown Express) For all the complaining, I am glad that I came, and pass off the Singaporean quirks as uniquely Singapore where the motto is, "No need for words."


A Whirlwind Trip Back to CA

Following 6 months of self imposed exile in Asia, I headed back to Southern California for Jennifer and Danny's wedding. Yes, after all this time, all the waiting, it's official. I was only in California for 2 days but had a bit of time to catch up with some friends and spend some time with my family. Also, thank you to Jennifer for picking pretty dresses that actually fit! Anyhow, some photos to tide you over.